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I can help before and after the birth

I can help prepare you for parenthood and once the baby is born ensuring you have the confidence and support to reach your feeding goals.. 

A consultation will ensure time to explore the questions you need answers to.


Package of support prices:

Initial telephone consultation free 

Preparation for breastfeeding covering lactation potential including breast reduction and enhancement. Other topics Positioning and Attachment / Expressing and Pumping 

1 hour visit to your home during pregnancy

Cost: £95

Follow up post birth visit to support your feeding goals (one hour *)

Cost: £95

4 hour package of support to use as required

(usually one visit of one hour during pregnancy, followed by 2 home visits and follow up telephone support)

Cost: £380


Call me on 0790 394 3126 for a chat anytime.

From day 1 you may need support to feel confident in reaching your feeding goals. I can visit you in hospital and once you are home to give you that extra support.

A consultation will include:

Observation and assessment of the feed 

Maternal breast assessment 

Infant oral assessment 

Support with positioning and attachment 

Explanation and discussion on overcoming difficulties identified

A care plan tailored to your needs to reach your feeding goals 

A report following the visit 

Package of support

Free introductory chat

90 minute* package of support 

(with telephone follow up)

Cost: £150

*Timing is not exact as I work to baby’s time

6 Hour package of support

Cost: £480 to use as you require

(Usually, 3 home visits and telephone support)

Call me on 0790 394 3126 for a chat anytime

If you prefer to learn and share ideas with others, in a group setting. Whether this is antenatal or postnatal. I can facilitate a session in your own home amongst your

friends. As well as benefiting from the social event, you will be developing mechanisms for ongoing breastfeeding and parenting support.


A group session of 2 hours £150 up to 8 mothers in a venue of your choosing

Group session online via zoom £20 call to join my next session 0790 407 6904

Citrus Fruits

There is a lot of confusion about how and when to introduce normal foods other than milk to a baby’s diet. If you would like more help please do contact me for individual help and support to guide you through this time.

Topics Included:

Mother led and baby led

Step by step approach 



Weaning from the breast 

Going back to work and carrying on with breastfeeds 

1:1 online or telephone support £75 an hour

or group session 2 hours £150

tel: 0790 394 3126 for a free introductory chat

The link between your sleep and the babies sleep is powerful. The partnership you develop with your unborn baby is potentially game changing and will result in the baby tuning in with your feelings and your ability to sleep. The improvement in your confidence to become the parent hidden within is truly amazing. 

Book an appointment and find out how you can unlock your mothering instincts and improve your sleep.

Topics included:

Normal sleep 


Safe sleep 

Strategies before 6 months 

Strategies after 6 months 

Sleep routine strategies 

1:1 online or telephone support £75 an hour

or group session 2 hours £150

tel: 0790 394 3126  for a free introductory chat

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